My Course, Life of Focus, is open for a special session

Scott H. Young
2 min read6 days ago

Life of Focus, the course I co-instruct with Cal Newport, is now open!

This session is going to be a little different. In addition to the three-month curriculum, we’ve added new material based on Cal’s latest book, Slow Productivity.

The new material features an hour-long recording, where Cal and I share strategies for:

  • Deciding what work really matters
  • Doing fewer things — while accomplishing more
  • Avoiding burnout
  • How to avoid getting stuck on impossible problems
  • Making progress on big ambitions
  • Preventing bosses and colleagues from drowning you in busywork

We’ve also created a guided worksheet to help you implement these lessons. (If you’re already a Life of Focus student, you should get an email with access to this soon!)

Of course, this bonus recording is in addition to the three-month program we’ve developed to help you build a life of focus, in which we work step-by-step to improve your focus at work, in life and in your mind.

Life of Focus is our most popular course for a reason. Check it out here:

Registration will close on Friday, June 28th, at midnight Pacific Time. Cal and I hope to see you in the class!



Scott H. Young

Author of WSJ best selling book: Ultralearning | Twitter: @scotthyoung